Thursday, February 23, 2006

Fun with forums ...

I’ve been having some fun times on the forums associated with that magnificent website Online Opinion (OLO). This fantastic initiative deserves our support. I urge you all to donate to keep this superb website alive.

The forums are especially entertaining as they are a place where a variety of nutcases congregate. These are usually the same people who make up the cheer squad for views expressed on the blogs of Tim Blair and Peter Faris.

You might want to check out the comments left on the OLO forum website to my (rather clumsily worded) questions as follows:

“I'd just like to ask B_D, mikijo and all the other armchair Nazis here a simple question. If the Federal Government decided to round up Muslims and have them detained in detention camps, would you support such a move?

Further, would you support laws that would allow persons of Muslim origin to be killed?

I'm just trying to gauge where all this discussion is heading.”

I’d also encourage you to check out the forums associated with Ted Lapkin’s latest attempt to portray all Muslims as a bunch of embassy-burners. I’ve set a few challenges for young Ted. It makes for fascinating reading.

© Irfan Yusuf 2006