Sunday, March 08, 2009

BLOGS/HATEWATCH: Bolt's bloggers on African and Pakistani taxi-drivers ...

Thanks to the Pure Poison blog on the Crikey website for alerting these to its readers. The following racist comments have been on Andrew Bolt's blog since November 2008. There is simply no excuse for these comments to have been published in the first place. Unless, of course, Bolt and his friends at the Herald Sun don't regard these comments as racist.
rossco replied to Tony
Wed 26 Nov 08 (07:24am)

Of course there’s one simple solution - don’t get into any taxi with a black driver.
Er, Andrew, how is this comment not racist?
On the offchance that I ever visit Melbourne I’ll be definately ensuring that any cab I catch has a non-African driving it. I’m not being racist, just practical - its hard enough to keep one’s cool when city driving is pretty full-on at the best of times, what with road-rage and traffic congestion and idiot drivers making foolish and reckless decisions. The last thing a passenger needs is to be worried that their taxi driver may go ‘postal’ on them (or other drivers) due to the stresses he is enduring during the course of performing his job. Not a good decision by that tribunal, and will certainly have broader consequences. Rosemary of Queensland (Reply) Wed 26 Nov 08 (07:24am)
Yep, nothing racist about that. But why stop at race? Why not double the prejudice with a good old fashioned dose of sectarian hate-speech?
Relax infidels, you are just as safe in this brothers cab as in any other fundamental Moslem’s one. Islamic Rage Boy of Insane.... or fulfilling Mo's obligations? (Reply) Wed 26 Nov 08 (07:57am)
Religion does tend to make things a little to complex. How about we just keep things black and white.
Simple. Just don’t accept a cab driven by an African. Rod of Singapore (Reply) Wed 26 Nov 08 (08:32am)
What could be simpler than that, Rod? Maybe this ...
If I see ANY African driving a taxi , I will not entering it. Many do not speak or read English, have no idea how to drive safely and certainly do NOT know anything about the cities they drive in. Oh.. once apologies ..
frankly fed up of melbourne (Reply) Wed 26 Nov 08 (12:59pm)
And so once again the Herald Sun has become a forum where all kinds of crazy xenophobes can have their say.

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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