Daily Telegraph blogger Tim Blair will go to any extent to source a story to spread hatred against a group he hates. Blair is even prepared to acknowledge he obtained a story from the blog of a notorious Nazi supporter.
(Via Sheik Yer’ Mami)
And who is Sheik Yer'Mami? What kind of material does Yer'mami publish? Well, his website currently carries this poll:
Are you convinced now that Obama is a Marxist Muslim?
°No way!
°More Marxist than Muslim
°More Muslim than Marxist
°Muslim ueber alles!
Feel free to check out this link where the "Sheik" tries to prove that the President of the United States is "still" a Muslim. Read some of the comments on this racist blog.
Welcome to Blair's world.
Words © 2008 Irfan Yusuf

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