Today Andrew Blot has written a completely new article. He’s never written anything on this topic before, whether on Monday or last Friday. It’s a fresh change for his regular readers who relish his exercise of free speech (including readers like me who are banned from commenting on his blog).
Today Andrew Blot writes on why a certain minority refuses to integrate. Take your pick as to which minority it could be – Somali, Sudanese, African, Aboriginal, Muslim, Torres Strait Islander – they’re all the bloody same.
These friggin minorities simply refuse to behave. Allow me to illustrate using Dutch conservatives. Look at their record overseas – establishing apartheid in South Africa and establishing colonial rule in Indonesia so nasty that the Indonesians preferred Japanese occupation during WWII. And these days, these Dutch conservatives recruit Somalis who lie and queue-jump to get visas.
(At least there's one Somali Blot doesn't hate.)
And what about Australia? Well, there’s that nasty Dutch conservative columnist Andrew Blot who cannot spell simple names like Tanveer Ahmed. For some reason Bolt (okay, I’ll spell it correctly now) spells Dr Ahmed's name as “Tanver”.
Heck, the rest of us true-blue Australians make an effort to spell people’s names correctly. Why can’t Bolt learn to assimilate?
Normal Aussies try not to draw conclusions about entire groups on the basis of completely non-related incidents. Then again, if you’re like Andrew and determined to hate a group, Professor Google can provide you with lots of examples of the dirty deeds which the preferred objects of your hate engage in.
It’s completely ridiculous to claim that 360,000 people from 60 different countries living in different parts of Australia could all have “poor English, poor skills, poor assimilation, poor education of women or a rejection of our society”. On what basis does Bolt write in this crap? After appearing on an ABC TV show with a white-skinned half-Aussie half-Kiwi academic? And after reading just one media report about one Queensland University of Technology researcher? And after comparing these two with the experience of one Bangladeshi-burn psychiatric registrar whose name Bolt cannot spell properly?
(And after supporting an employer's alleged right to discriminate against a Muslim trainee?)
And so we have the ridiculous spectacle of a former sports writer for The Age trying to prove a “group” of 360,000 people are uneducated and have poor English skill using evidence of encounters with a psychiatric registrar and two academics from that same “group”. And what graphic does the Herald Sun's online editor believes best represents all these people?

So who funds this hate-speech? The last time I checked, Bolt’s blog featured a banner advertisement from ANZ. Perhaps it’s time Australians of Lebanese, Muslim, Somali, Aboriginal, Sudanese, Torres Strait Islander etc etc extraction (and those Aussies who find xenophobia offensive) switched banks.
Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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