Saturday, March 21, 2009

BLOG: Those blasted Africans in their leopard skins who marry nice white Murdoch girls ...

You don't have to go far into Tim Blair's blogging past to see that he and his buddies are such huge friends of persons from non-European backgrounds. Just read this classic remark about Rupert Murdoch's daughter:
Elisabeth is the smartest one of the lot—apart from her unfortunate first marriage to the son of some African diplomat. Even that was worth it for the picture of Murdoch at the wedding, surrounded by his new in-laws in leopard skin traditional dress. Anyway she dumped Bongo and married one of the Freuds—leading James to remark in his wedding speech that the groom had better be well endowed because his sister was accustomed to a black man! ...
Posted by Phranger on 2005 07 29 at 11:37 PM
Yep, absolutely no racism there. I'm sure Mr Murdoch and the family will be most impressed. Can't wait to read what Blair and his mates say about Wendy ...

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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BLOG: You can always choose your housemate ...

Some weeks back, the people at the Pure Poison blog decided to issue an apology to Tim Blair:
... it was suggested by a writer on this site that enthusiastic Pure Poison critic “WB”, a character who although we haven’t seen him or her before appears intimately familiar with old allegations about our pasts, had been making comments from Tim Blair’s private IP address. The post, now removed from the Crikey site, included speculation on the identity of WB, concluding that it was Blair. Tim denies this flatly, and notes that people in the same house would share an IP.
Emphasis mine.

Yep, some person calling themselves WB uses Blair's private IP address. And let's read what WB has to say on a variety of issues:
... Name a great Palestinian artist. And I don’t mean some ‘conceptual’ wanker whose art is all about ‘the occupation’ I mean art, beauty, perfect rendering of vision and delight, Titian, Rembrandt, heck, even Bacon, that kind of art. There isn’t one. 60 frickin’ years, 3 generations, and no artistic achievement, not one painter? Did the eviiil joooos take the paintbrushes and the paint away? No. The Palestinians never bothered - too busy lying about their terrible starvaaation and genociiiide .and the awful naaaaaaqba ... if it seems as if I am angry at them, I am. Cos they should be better than suicide bombs and shooting “collabrators” and slaughtering Olympians. And it’s 2009 and they’re still not.
WB (Reply)
Sat 21 Mar 09 (01:36am)
An entire nation turned into a bunch of unartistic murderous whingers with strange accents. And this type of racial slur was happily published by Blair.

You can't choose your relos, Blair, but you have chosen your flatmates. And you are judged by the company your keep. If you moderate this racist trash on your blog, notwithstanding what you should know are the provisions of State and Commonwealth legislation dealing with racial vilification, and notwithstanding your own publication guidelines, it shows you regard racist hate-speech as acceptable.

A person who regards racist hate-speech as acceptable. Can we regard such a person as a racist?

UPDATE I: An anonymous commenter has claimed that WB is in fact the person behind the "WogBlog" and is Blair's female friend. I cannot confirm or deny whether that is the case, and quite frankly don't particularly care.

UPDATE II: So apparently the Palestinians have no artists, no writers, no one of any significance other than people who shoot Olympians and people alleged to be on the Shin Beth payroll. No doubt WB considers these people to be eskimos. And each of these people are Russians. And look at how devious and sleezy those Palestinians are for taking credit for this brilliant Italian poet. Yep, you just cannot trust those Palestinian terrorists.

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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