Andrew Bolt is obsessed with race and colour. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's something he picked up from Dutch conservatives who settled in South Africa and established a somewhat discredited system of social organisation. In case you're a bit uncertain of what I'm referring to, check this sign out ...

Anyway, Mr Bolt seems to think that in Australia only dark skinned persons can count as indigenous people. He has been playing this line all along, pretending that he has a greater say in how people identify themselves. Mr Bolt would like indigenous people to refer to him for definitive advice on whether they are indigenous enough. And the sole test he will use is one of physical appearance, of colour.
It may only be a matter of time before Mr Bolt starts measuring a Jewish person's Jewishness by their physical appearance (the size of their nose perhaps?).

Maybe he'll determine that I am not really of Indian heritage because I look too Turkish. And perhaps the bloke pictured below should really be deemed a member of an al-Qaida cell. Heck, the beard and the turban (and indeed the sword) are dead giveaways! And check out that huge mosque across the water.

Anyway, enough humour. Time to get depressed as you read the disgraceful comments on Bolt's blog. Bolt clearly doesn't like descendants of the first Australians very much, and he seems to hate racial vilification laws even more. Which explains why he has allowed these insulting remarks to be moderated and published.
I will not reproduce these disgusting remarks. I hope Andrew Bolt and the Herald Sun are prosecuted for racial vilification.
UPDATE I: This educational institution advertises on the Herald-Sun website. Drop them an line and ask whether they want to continuing funding Andrew Bolt's hate-speech.
Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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