Sunday, May 31, 2009

BLOG: Daily Telegraph editor's devastating refutation ...

Tim Blair, Opinion Editor of the Daily Telegraph, provided a devastating refutation to the suggestion that his blog allowed racist and xenophobic comments to be moderated and posted onto his blog. He posted this refutation on another far-Right blog. Here is Blair's refutation.

By the way, there's another thing besides manufacturing outrage that gets Irf out of bed in the morning. I've heard it's a Caterpillar 966G Series II loading shovel.

My God, the terrifying logic of that response!

Of course, Blair doesn't need to use this logic at work. No doubt all staff at the Daily Telegraph satisfy his criteria for acceptable physique. Because if they don't, they should keep their distance from him.

The wonderful thing about all this is that questions about the underlying racism and xenophobia Tim allows onto his blog, when made in public, clearly get under his skin. Hence they should be asked again and again and again. And not just to Blair but to all his colleagues. Xenophobia isn't acceptable, even if Blair thinks it is. And the "shut-the-f*ck-up-you-fat-sh*t" response from Blair also becomes a bit tiring after a while.

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

COMMENT: Truth, lies & the Jerusalem Prize ...

On the May 7 episode of ABC TV's Q&A show, there was an interesting exchange between author Randa Abdel Fattah and columnist Greg Sheridan.

GREG SHERIDAN: I don't believe criticism of Israel is generally labelled as anti-Semitism. I reject absolutely the proposition of the question. However, I do think anti-Semitism has swept back both into the western world and the Arab world. Many scholars have examined anti-Semitism in the Arab world. Notorious tsarist forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is meant to show Jewish conspiracy to control the world, figures prominently on Egyptian television, in Saudi Arabia and so forth. You Google the Hamas Charter, you'll see that the Jews control the Rotary Clubs and the Lions Clubs in order to enact their vicious conspiracies and so forth. It's perfectly legitimate to criticise Israel, as it is any other nation, when it does something wrong. But the insane, absolutely over the top emotional hostility towards Israel from people who couldn't care less about 300,000 Darfuries, aren't fussed about the status of women in Saudi Arabia, couldn't give a bugger about the 300,000 people in North Korean gulag, but Israel somehow is their enemy - there is something going on there which is psychological and very nasty.


RANDA ABDEL-FATTAH: I totally disagree with that. I know you've said before that being anti-Israel is fundamentally irrational and evidence of psychological and ideological dysfunction...

GREG SHERIDAN: I've never said that. No, I've never said that.

RANDA ABDEL-FATTAH: When you accepted the Jerusalem Prize for being a supporter of Israel...

GREG SHERIDAN: Yeah. Yeah. I never said that Randa. That's just untrue.


GREG SHERIDAN: That's a lie, Randa. That's a lie.

RANDA ABDEL-FATTAH: I've got it in print. I'll show you after the show.

GREG SHERIDAN: Yeah, well it may be in print, but I never said it, I can tell you that.

Mr Sheridan said that he never said these words. His column on 3 May 2007 must have been a figment of our collective imaginations. Here are some excerpts:

... recently I did get a remarkable piece of mail. It told me that if I would
accept, I would be awarded the Jerusalem Prize.

Sponsored jointly by the Israeli Government and the local Jewish community, it is awarded to people who have supported Israel conspicuously.

Since I believe that Israel is a democracy in good standing I was delighted to accept the award, which has been won by sundry heads of government, foreign ministers, social democrat and conservative European politicians and many others over the years ...

Anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment are all different, yet they are all intimately related. They draw from diverse sources, yet they are all, in their virulent forms, fundamentally irrational and evidence of psychological and ideological dysfunction rather than genuine analysis.

And so, as I look outside my window and admire the latest fleet of Qaantas pigs taking off, I cannot help but wonder why Randa could tell such clear and obvious lies on national television.

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

BLOG: More violent racism on Bolt's Herald Sun blog ...

I thought we'd re-visit some of Andrew Bolt's golden oldies.

Andrew Bolt never liked Barack Obama very much. Back on April 05 2009, he castigated Obama for his policy on Afghanistan. Bolt's commenters went further. Here's the very first comment.

Actually the only solution to Afghanistan is to stop recognising it as a legitimate sovereign state while it allows islam to continue its illegitimate rule. The now destroyed Buddhas of Bamyan a testimony to a successfull buddhist society, are yet another example of islam ruthlessly destroying societies.

History has proven the choice is simple - destroy islam - or destroy societies.

tony of coburg (Reply)
Sun 05 Apr 09 (04:41pm)

So we really have only 1 choice in the world. We can murder (or forcibly convert) all those we deem Muslim before they destroy civilisation. The Herald Sun moderators haven't yet deleted this remark, and I doubt they ever will. Maybe they think all Muslims look something like this dude.

But wait - there's more!

joeallen replied to Margaret
Mon 06 Apr 09 (10:34am)

Margaret, we don’t want a war, but the islamics sure do. And have for the past 1400 years. While the Europeans don’t fight, the muslims are taking over their cities. Europe is more concerned about keeping its citizens comsuming heroin, cocaine, and opium that comes from Afghan. That is why the Europeans don’t want to fight. Of course, last century Germany caused 2 world wars that took in excess of 100 million lives. And have a look of how things have deteriorated in Sweden and Finland in the last 3 years as the Muslims burn burn and burn hospitals, Christian schools, and western religion churches in these countries. After all, in the past 1000 years, the muslims have invaded Europe several times. Now they are doing it by immigration, and this is proving far more successful, due to European ideals. These ideals will lead to the extinction of white christian europeans. We are being warned and ignoring the current situation.

Pfft. Geez, Andrew, do people need to fail an IQ test before commenting on your blog? A large portion of Muslim migrants in Western Europe are from Bosnia. The last time I checked, Bosnians were not exactly of the same skin colour of Colin Powell.

Bolt blogs more about how to deal with Afghanistan here. And as always, the ferals are allowed full freedom to unleash their genocidal stuff. Here is an example.

Joe replied to Kiwi
Tue 07 Apr 09 (11:51am)

Let’s just carpet nuke the whole country. That way the Brigadier get’s his instant wish, namely the insurgency is completely finished, and the peaceable part can take place of rebuilding.

Perhaps Joe should stick to plumbing and leave foreign policy and defence to the experts.

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

BLOG: Andrew Bolt on Hawaiian holidays for terrorists ...

Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt has (I presume inadvertently) used his blog to promote a far-Right conspiracy theory about Muslims.

Bolt cites the allegedly conservative blog Qohel on a proposal by the Hawaii Legislature to introduce an official annual "Islam Day" on September 24. Qohel in turn refers readers to a far-Right conspiracy theorist posing as the "Canada Free Press" for "more detail".

And what does the CFP have to say? Here's how their "report" commences.

Muslims have just tricked the Hawaii Legislature into celebrating Islam on September 11.
To get an idea of just how loopy this CFP is, go to their search feature and type in the words Obama Muslim. Be prepared for nonsensical articles like this and this.

Bolt, of course, would never subscribe to any conspiracy theory concerning Muslims imposing an agenda on Hawaii or the rest of the United States. After all, it's not as if Bolt would make the kinds of far-fetched remarks that far-Right nutters would make. You know, remarks like this:

If adherents of this faith hadn’t killed so many Americans, would it have attracted this kind of fawning?
Of course, Bolt did say all that. His comments echoed the views of two Republican representatives in Hawaii as reported by the Associated Press on 7 May 2009.

Hawaii's state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday to celebrate "Islam Day" — over the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn't want to honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001.
Those Senators were right. But then, they were in the minority. What can one say about the rest of those damned Hawaiians? In the mind of Andrew Bolt and his conspiratorial nutter sources, terrorists (i.e. Hawaiian Muslims) have successfully held a gun to the head of the Hawaiian Senate. The terrorists have won. We should have seen it coming. Head for the hills!

UPDATE I: Those winderful people at the Crikey Pure Poison blog have done some thorough research on the Hawaiian Islam Day proposal which, far from being an annual event, was supposed to be a one-off. Read more here.

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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Sunday, May 03, 2009

BLOG: The Taliban are coming to Auburn ...

Tim Blair, opinion editor of the Daily Telegraph, links to a report in the Dawn, Pakistan's oldest newspaper, about the dreadful treatment of the tiny Sikh community in the Orakzai Area of Pakistan by the Taliban. He then allowed the following comments reflecting not on the Taliban but also upon the vast majority of the Taliban's victims:

Pretty much proves the point that Islam is a criminal enterprise writ large.

If youse is not with the gang, then youse have to pay the gang protection money.

As it the case here - said in black and smudge.


MarkL of Canberra (Reply)
Sun 03 May 09 (08:08pm)

Was Mark L talking about Islam as a faith? As law? As people? Was he saying that all Muslims are criminals? That they behave in the same manner as mafia-like gangs?

But it doesn't stop there. Heck, why limit it to Taliban-controlled parts of Pakistan?

Jazia, coming to Auburn soon.
boy on a bike (Reply)
Sun 03 May 09 (08:57pm)

kae replied to boy on a bike
Sun 03 May 09 (10:22pm)

I also wonder how long it will be.

Chronic anti-Semite and racist Daniel Lewis couldn't help himself.

Next time you hear an apologist for Islamism saying how well the Jews and other minorities are treated in Muslim countries, remind them that these groups are forced to pay Jizya for the privilege of not being killed.

There is an argument that Centrelink is seen as effectively paying Jizya, on behalf of the infidels, to residents of Lakemba who regard themselves as superior. Centrelink regards them simply as long-term unemployed.

Daniel Lewis (Reply)
Sun 03 May 09 (09:44pm)

Tim Blair allows this stuff onto his blog because he regards it as normal and reasonable speech. It's normal to describe all Muslims as part of an organised criminal gang. It's ok to suggest that this gang is present in Sydney suburbs.

When I ckicked onto Tim's blog, I noticed a banner advert from The National Australia Bank. My bank fees go toward printing this hate-speech.

Words © 2008 Irfan Yusuf

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