And where did The Oz manage to find an Iraqi prepared to write such absurdities? Certainly not in Iraq. Al-Nidawi now lives in the United States. Clearly the war has served his interests quite well.
Others serving his interests well are certain US far-Right loopy groups such as the Foundation for Defence of Democracies, whose website includes among its "favourites" PajamasMedia.
Then there is al-Nidawi's own blog whose links include the Jawa Report, Instapundit, JihadWatch, Little Green Footballs, Michelle Malkin, RightWing News, Tim Blair and a host of other far-Right fruitcakes.
In other words, al-Nidawi's online buddies include the types who would happily support torturing people in Abu Ghraib prison and who are known for their pathological hatred of anything linked to Arabs and/or Islam.
So if you're an Iraqi and you want to get published on the Opinion page of The Oz, you obviously have to follow the party line. Thankfully not all sections of The Oz follow the party line. Because if they did, The Oz wouldn't read more like FoxNews than one of Australia's best newspapers.
Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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