As we've shown on this blog over and over again, Andrew Bolt's idea of sensible discourseincludes even some of the most xenophobic comment. His analysis of events in Xinjiang in Western China attracts the usual array of fruitloops.
The situation in the Xinjiang (or East Turkestan) autonomous region of Western China is extremely complex. There is conflict between Han Chinese and indigenous Turkic Uighurs. Then there are other smaller Turkish tribes (such as Kazakhs) caught in the middle. This conflict crosses ethnic, religious, tribal and class divides, and the complexity of the conflict has not been lost on readers of Andrew Bolt’s blog on the Herald Sun website. Consider these mature and considered reflections:
I was wondering which way you’d jump on this one. Keep in mind that the uighurs probably started the violence - however justified it might be - and they ARE muslim, remember.
Matthew of Canberra (Reply)
Thu 09 Jul 09 (09:45am)
Devlin Carnate replied to Matthew
Thu 09 Jul 09 (05:34pm)
It looks like the ChiComs are battling another form of totalitarianism to come: Jihadism.
Yet another restive Muslim minority with grievances, seizing upon an incident of alleged mistreatment by authorities to stage a riot. Yet hardly no one notices any kind of pattern, or any hint of the Islamic supremacist notion that it is offensive for Muslims to be under the rule of non-Muslims.
So in what sense are the Uighurs the target here? It looks as if they are fairly efficiently targeting the Han Chinese. …
While I normally respect Greg Sheridan’s opinion, I disagree with his analysis on the Uighurs. Greg is not looking at the big picture i.e. everywhere on Earth that Islamic culture meets another culture, there is conflict …
And that’s just this century. Why would Muslims behave any differently in China? … Now they have then gone on a rampage killing dozens of ethnic Chinese. The ethnic Chinese have now responded in kind. I think it is entirely appropriate that the Chinese are cracking down on the Muslims.
I believe what is now happening in China is exactly what will happen in Europe within the next ten years. Muslims will commit atrocities against the indigenous population and eventually the locals will have had enough and retaliate. It will be a low key civil war. Whether it escalates or not will depend on whether the European governments crack down on the Muslims or the locals.
jupes of west coast (Reply)
Thu 09 Jul 09 (07:22pm)
I wonder if News Limited chief John Hartigan had his employee Andrew Bolt in mind when he said recently the blogesphere was saturated with people and opinions ...
... of such limited intellectual value as to be barely discernible from massive ignorance.
UPDATE I: Speaking of Xinjiang, here is an interesting analysis of the use of buzzwords by media outlets, comparing the treatment of Tibetans and Uighurs.
Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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