I've already referred to the genocidal comments Andrew Bolt and his colleagues at the Herald Sun have allowed to be published on his blog. But what did Andrew Bolt himself have to say?
Bolt's response can be read here. At the time of writing this, there are 11 updates to his initial post. Update 11 contains these words ...
I think the apologists are running out of excuses. The US, we were told, brought 9-11 on itself through its aggression. We invited Bali on ourselves by siding with the US. India provoked the Mumbai slaughter by discriminating against Muslims. But the Sri Lankans? How on earth can even the barking mad blame them for this? Now, can we start discussing the role of Islam in political violence, and without the usual shut-ups of “racist!”.So while terrorists have attacked cricket, Bolt wants to talk theology and its alleged role in promoting terrorism. But how serious is he about terrorism? After all, what can terrorism be if not the slaughter of innocents? Yet in his entire post, not even once does Bolt mention those killed in this attack. He doesn't spare a word for those brave Pakistani police officers and the 2 innocent passers-by who died in the attack.
Bolt wants to blame Islam and the Koran at a time when the victims' relatives will be reciting chapters from the Koran and praying to God that these victims are shown God's mercy and entered into paradise. Bolt wants to blame the religion of the victims.
Bolt has given the green light for the miscellaneous bigots that crowd his blog to spray their filth on the Herald Sun's website. But before that, Bolt and his buddies must moderate what are clearly the comments of trolls:
Ah, the rich and vibrant tapestry that is Islam. Every day another majestical experience...Still, who needs trolls when naked hatred will do the trick?
Infidel Tiger (Reply)
Tue 03 Mar 09 (03:58pm)
kristof replied to Infidel Tiger
Tue 03 Mar 09 (06:11pm)
oh come on, these sorts of things happen all over the world and you are blaming islam? this is really terrible and cant be defended BUT people get slaughtered in every isla.. oops sorry every country every day what is so special about a bus in lahore? are you racist?? islam would never permit this. it must be jews. this could happen in a christian country and it could be nuns and you are drawing strings..... sammer will explain.
One disagreement, Andrew. It isn’t Pakistan that’s being lost. It’s everywhere there is islam. Including right here in Oz.No, clearly Red Baron doesn't care. After all, this is his blog. And the moderators of this blog have no problem with hate-speech, even if they have a problem with swearing:
Appeasement was the entrance door to WW2. Now it beckons another even larger conflict.
Terry of Sydney (Reply)
Tue 03 Mar 09 (04:07pm)
Red Baron replied to strange days indeed
Tue 03 Mar 09 (07:21pm)
What do you mean by “Pakistan being lost?”
Pakistan was never “won” in the first place. Pakistan is build on Islam and nothing but Islam, it never had an economic base, it doesn’t have a language or culture of its own, it seceeded from India and is dependent on the jiziyah, the tribute from Western, infidel countries that have sustained it till now.
Its the same in Bangladesh.
Pakistan is another failed state. Because of Islam.
But hey, call me ‘racist’ or ‘Islamophobic’- like I care!
Verax replied to BillAnd then there is this classic.
Tue 03 Mar 09 (06:04pm)
SNIPPED - swearing.
Apart from Double dealing, Hatred, Misery, Depravity and Fanaticism what else is Pakistan famous for? ...Well, I realise this isn't quite relevant to the present discussion, but Pakistan is famous for producing some world-class cricket and for manufacturing cricket equipment. Anyway, back to the hate-speech:
JV of North Essendon (Reply)
Tue 03 Mar 09 (05:42pm)
Perhaps a few people of all kinds will now begin to wake up to the horror that is islam.I'm sure Bolt would have allowed a similar comment about Jews during the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. No? He wouldn't have? I'm glad. Because such a comment would have been grossly unfair. But when it comes to certain groups Bolt isn't exactly fond of, fairness can go get ...
Appeasement has to stop in all Western nations and these multitude of muhammadans, who we keep being told are a minority, who have hi-jacked the ‘religion’ must be imprisoned and sent back to their respective nations.
A halt has to be called on immigration of muslims to Western countries. I’m sorry for any who genuinely want out and would integrate, but they must really stay and rectify their own lands.
We have imported enough trouble and it has to stop if we want to continue to have freedom of speech, freedom of action and just plain decency.
I, for one, don’t want to see my children growing up under the yoke of islam, which is an evil political ideology not a religion.
Marilyn LeBez of Australia (Reply)
Tue 03 Mar 09 (05:54pm)
Tonight the ABC had the story of the Sri Lankans shooting followed by kev’s 20
million rebuilding gift. My conclusion, muslims declare war on the world and the
world say’s, here’s more money, so you can do a better job.If this is not a
declaration of war, God only knows what it is, just as well the Indians didn’t
ark (Reply)
Tue 03 Mar 09 (07:54pm)
What’s the excuse of the
muslims this time? Occupation? Foreign policy? What is it now?
Ben of
Springvale (Reply)
Tue 03 Mar 09 (07:55pm)
And then there are some crazy people who still think Colonel Gaddafi is some kind of pro-Islamist terrorist involved in a deep dark conspiracy ...
Ironic but significant - the attack was made near the GADDAFI stadium…This is freedom of speech, Andrew Bolt style. Throw the statutes out the window. Defend democracy while ignoring the rule of law. Regard yourself as above the law. And start pointing fingers at 1.2 billion people before anyone has even named a suspect and any group has claimed responsibility.
Could someon please tell me what exactly is so attractive about the Islamists to people who refuse to “see” them?
Is it the cunning way they use weapons or what?
dowp (Reply)
Tue 03 Mar 09 (08:25pm)
Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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