Tuesday, March 03, 2009

BLOGS: Eight Pakistanis die but Bolt's bloggers want more to die ...

Well, the news from Lahore isn't good. Sri Lankan cricketers and their Australian coach wounded in a terrorist attack on Pakistan's cultural capital. Six Pakistani police officers were shot dead, as were two bystanders.

And Andrew Bolt's friends want more to die. Pakistan is a nation of 200 million people. But at the Herald Sun, it's clear that wiping Pakistan off the world map isn't regarded as terribly extreme. Here are the first 2 moderated comments ...
Pakistan was lost many years ago, Andrew. Probably around
the time it was a created as nation for Indian Muslims. Pakistan
has long been a safe haven for terrorists and they are hiding there
in droves waiting to some out. India was
right in its verbal attack on
Pakistan after the Mumbai massacre and if India
sees fit to go to war with
Pakistan, then we should support them.

P of Albert Park
Tue 03 Mar 09 (03:55pm)

Peter of Mt Eliza
replied to George P
Tue 03 Mar 09 (08:30pm)
Time for a Carthaginian solution.

If you don’t understand, brush up on your history. It works. Brutal -
yes. Effective - Yes

The Cathaginian solution? What did the Romans do in Carthage? Well, Carthage was a city in northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast. Its ruins are located in what is now Tunisia. The city was destroyed by the Romans in 146BC. According to this report:

The city was besieged, and after two years of furious fighting was stormed and sacked and utterly destroyed.

And what happened to Carthage? What did the Romans accomplish at Carthage? Writes Ben Kiernan:
Rome soon began a three-year siege of the world's wealthiest city. Of a population of 2-400,000, at least 150,000 Carthaginians perished. Appian described one battle in which '70,000, including non-combatants' were killed, probably an exaggeration. But Polybius, who participated in the campaign, confirmed that 'the number of deaths was incredibly large' and the Carthaginians 'utterly exterminated'. (In 146, Roman legions under Scipio Aemilianus, Cato's ally and brother-in-law of his son, razed the city, and dispersed into slavery the 55,000 survivors, including 25,000 women. Plutarch concluded: 'The annihilation of Carthage ... was primarily due to the advice and counsel of Cato' ...

Its policy of 'extreme violence', the 'annihilation of Carthage and most of its inhabitants', ruining 'an entire culture', fits the modern legal definition of the 1948 United Nations Genocide Convention: the intentional destruction 'in whole or in part, [of] a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such'.

And what kind of thinking led to the complete destruction of Carthage? According to Ben Kiernan:
Some features of the ideology motivating the Roman destruction of Carthage in 146 BC have surprisingly modern echoes in 20th-century genocides. Racial, religious or cultural prejudices, gender and other social hierarchies, territorial expansionism ...

Peter of Mt Eliza has posted a comment calling for the complete annihilation of Pakistan as a nation. He calls upon readers to brush up on their history. I've just brushed up on mine. The results are frightening.

The Herald Sun newspaper has moderated and allowed a comment to be published on its most popular blog of its star columnist which calls for genocide. This is Australia's biggest selling newspaper, part of a multi-billion dollar media empire.

UPDATE I: Why stop at Pakistan? Just murder all those bloody Muzzies. Announce a genocidal war of Armageddon-proportions on the Herald Sun's most read blog. Allow your hatred to be read by over 1 million readers per month. This is where Peter of Mt Eliza left off ...
Heretic replied to George P
Tue 03 Mar 09 (10:16pm)

Have to agree Peter. In my readings of history,
the only ruler who came close to destroying islam once and for all was Genghis
Khan, when his forces swept accross central asia. And he didn’t do it by being
nice. He did it by simply laying waste to everything in his path. Legend has it
nothing bigger than an insect survived wherever his forces passed. One day soon,
the jihadists will push the US, or India, or Israel too far, and their
supposedly peaceful supporters will pay the price.

murph replied to George P
Wed 04 Mar 09 (12:57am)

Cartago delende est!
Islamabad delende est!
Mecca delende est!
Medina delende est!
Damascus delende est!
Jeddah delende est!
Tehran delende est!

Brett Coster replied to George P
Wed 04 Mar 09 (01:24am)

Ah, yes Peter: genocide, the, shall we say,
Final Solution?
And the Boltaverse moderators let that through?

Peter of Mt Eliza replied to George P
Wed 04 Mar 09 (08:30am)

Dear Brett Coster, Quite different to the
“Final Solution”. Circumstances quite different. Solution quite
Read your history and try and wrap your mind around the
differences. Hint: Google Punic Wars.
Not Genocide - that’s what the
Islamic extremists would want to visit upon all unbelievers.

nigel replied to George P
Wed 04 Mar 09 (10:04am)

Just heard a commentator, from Pakistan, trying
to put the blame on India.They are so pathetic that their first thought is to
try and pay India back for accusing Pakistan based terrorists of being
responsible for the recent attack in India.Funnily enough they were.Pakistan’s
only successful business export is islamic terrorists and Britons now live in
fear and have to spend countless millions weeding out and tracking, home grown,
or imported Pakistani killers.They have caved in to the extremists internally
and their political and civil society is amongst the most corrupt in the
world.Britain did India a favour by getting rid of these islamic crazies, all
those years ago.However having them on your borders has cost many lives."Drop
the bomb,kill them all”.

A quick lesson in Latin - delende est means "must be eliminated".

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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