Monday, March 02, 2009

HATEWATCH: Ethnic crime and xenophobia on Andrew Bolt's blog ...

Andrew Bolt is somehow able to link three Sydney incidents on his blog:

1. A number of boys going on the rampage at a Catholic independent school in Auburn;

2. A 16 year old boy who might be charged with murder by police; and

3. A brawl at a Sydney cinema.

And what was Bolt's conclusion?
That police seem to play down the violence, and that the tired counter-accusation of racism is used, only makes clearer some of the reasons we got to this point.

Er ... um ... the reasons? What are those reasons? And what does racism have to do with it? Why bring race into it?

Perhaps some of the comments on Bolt's blog have something to say about this ...
These are the sons or grandsons of the men who reduced Beruit to rubble. Governments have allowed them into this country and need to explain their actions to the average Australian who is going to bear the brunt.
Observer (Reply)
Mon 02 Mar 09 (02:38pm)

Yep, they all came from Beirut. Not Tripoli or Baalbek or the Chouf Mountains. But why stop at identifying cities? Why not go for entire religions and regions?
Alan of Sydney replied to tony
Mon 02 Mar 09 (03:25pm)
Catholic School targeted in Auburn, hotspot Muslim and Pacific Islander trouble spot.
And let's throw in some homophobia for good measure.
Case replied to Wacko
Mon 02 Mar 09 (05:46pm)
Lok at it in a positive light-Sydney leads the rest of Oz again.
Well, at least as far as mardi grARS it does!
Those poor victims who went to Cronulla Beach and shouted "F*ck The Lebs" and "F*ck The Wogs" must be exonerated. And what better place than on a blog hosted by Australia's biggest selling newspaper?
the rioting outside a cinema screening a film about Lebanese (muslim )gangs has me puzzled. As the film industry is very left wing in its views, and the left blame the Cronulla riots on the white Aussie boys, and blame all of us for the failure of muslims to integrate ( we are so racist you know), surely the film will show the lebanese gangs as poor, hard-done-by, misunderstood and gentle fellows who just want to be like the rest of us apart from downtreading their women folk and pack-raping white girls.. so who is objecting to the film? could it be white Aussies? surely not? if it’s the nice lebanese Muslims what would they be objecting to? have they actually seen the film?
lethal of WA (Reply)
Mon 02 Mar 09 (03:20pm)
Returning to migrants from a certain nearby region ...
Pacific Islanders are probably the most common suspects in Sydney home invasion imo using their bulk.
Crime Rep (Reply)
Mon 02 Mar 09 (03:36pm)

Crime Rep replied to arnie
Mon 02 Mar 09 (06:41pm)
There is an element for sure. Islanders are heavily over-represented in home invasions.

There’s been a few other incidences of Islanders invading homes.
Mostly pistol whipping people and robbing them.
The worst was in the Suburb of Claymore where a woman was raped deliberately in front of her kids. This was a few years ago. The one man caught was named [name deleted] ...
Crime Rep (Reply)
Mon 02 Mar 09 (03:42pm)
So if you are from Beirut, are Lebanese, Lebanese Muslim, Pacific Islander and/or homosexual, the Herald Sun has just allowed you to be vilified. Now if any of the Herald Sun's advertisers allowed their employees to place such filth on their intranets or their e-mail servers, they'd be in huge trouble. But this is the Herald Sun. Its staff are above the law. It is a company above the law.

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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